Viva La Mexico!

 believe everyone has a place that feeds their soul. For me, that place is Mexico. I love the food, the music, the colors and the architecture. How can I not feel close to God sitting on a worn wooden bench in a village cathedral, staring up at stained glass windows from centuries ago? Or feel such satisfaction eating a pineapple empanada and washing it down with an agua fresca or stumbling across a fiesta complete with Mariachis and dancing. These are the things I long for and so, when covid restrictions finally eased, it was the first place I wanted to go.

In July, my husband and I took our two younger teenage daughters for a three week trip to Guadalajara, Mexico. We felt it was important for them to experience another culture, meet family and see the city where my husband spent his summers. But in reality, it was the place where I wanted to go to eat incredible street food and drink really good margaritas. Let’s be honest, after these last two years of covid, I think we all need a shot of tequila! Guadalajara is a vibrant city but a little less chaotic than its Mexico City cousin. I got to reconnect with some “old art friends,” Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, Jose Clemente Orozco and also meet new and emerging artists. I also wandered through markets, watched the sun set over Lake Chapala, bought an armload of embroidered blouses and ate enough street tacos to last me at least a year. My luggage was filled with Mexican fabric, Day of the Dead figurines and maybe a bottle of tequila or two or three. Since being home I have drawn on my travel memories and designed new fabric necklaces with whimsical pendants of Katrina ( an early 20th century Day of the Dead drawing) and of course Frida. I hope that everyone has a happy place they can escape to and if yours happens to be Mexico, give me a call!